Signs of Low Self Esteem

Negative comments and negative opinions are something every one of us encounters often. People with higher levels of self esteem take these things with a positive attitude wile people with low self esteem cannot withstand negative comments. Low esteem should be identified at the right time and steps should be taken to boost self esteem. Being highly sensitive, adolescent people are more susceptible to low self esteem. Here are a few signs to spot people with low self esteem:

  1. Change in the way of communicating and walking – People with low self esteem will not have the confidence to make direct eye contact. These people will start walking with their heads down. Since they lack self confidence, they will naturally feel down.

  1. Depression and Isolation – Anybody who is feeling bad about himself will be very depressed and prefer to stay aloof. This sign can be seen with everybody who is getting negative comments. People with low self esteem will not be able to perform well in their job and hence they will get more and more negative comments leading them to a state of depression. This will prevent them from mingling with others and hence they separate themselves.

  1. Erratic mood swings – Low self esteem affects mental stabilities and people will become angry very often when they don’t trust themselves. Sometimes, they don’t accept their compliments as well. If someone pinpoints the mistakes in a friendly manner, the person with low self esteem will not be able to accept the mistakes and starts yelling.

  1. Negative self analysis and apologies – These are very common signs of low self esteem. If you find anybody putting low marks for their character and behavior then understand that they have low self esteem. Apologies like ‘I am sorry..’, ‘I can’t’ will not come out from the mouth of a person having high self esteem. If you find yourself seeking apologies quite often, then beware that you are lacking somewhere and you have to take immediate steps.

  1. Fear of taking risks – People who are not confident in themselves will fear to take risks. Without taking risks, success cannot be achieved and with low self esteem, you will not be ready to take risks because of previous failures. If you find yourself that you are not ready to take even minimal risks, then it is time for you to improve your self esteem and identify your inner potentials.