Is FHTM a global scam or not?

FHTM Global – Scam or Not – Get the Truth

FHTM Global, scam or not?  There are so many people wondering this right across the globe.  They want to know if what they have heard from friends or family about FHTM is true.  Does FHTM work or is FHTM a Scam?  That's what we will explain.

ONE – FHTM is a network marketing company .  This right here put's it into a category where people think that it might be a scam.  Millions of people all over the world have been scammed by people that have presented themselves as if they were a network marketing company .

Actually FHTM is an endless recruiting Pyramid Scheme as recently branded by the Montana Securities Commission. They were just recently ordered to pay almost $1 Million in fines for their illegal activities.

TWO – The products are not products that are physical in nature.  This right here get's people on edge because when they cannot physically see something they tend to not believe it as much.  The products that FHTM markets are mostly service based.  For an example, a telephone service is one of their products.  That a pretty down to earth product if you ask me. The problem is they have NO direct relationships with any of the company's they claim to represent, They are nothing but a 2nd or, in some cases, a 3rd tier affiliate of these companies.

THREE – People have lost tons of money getting into business with FHTM.  Yes it is true.  People have lost money starting a FHTM business before but so have people in every other business in the world.  But does FHTM work?  Of course it does if your are Paul Orberson, Todd Rowland or some of the other dozen hand picked cronies of this pyramid. If you are an average person, you will lose - plain and simple.

So is FHTM a scam, MOST DEFINATELY.  There are way too many signs that show it's bogus and illegitimist.  It's just there are too many people that feel some one scammed them.  They just had no real chance to be successful and selling the products does not make you any real income.