Cleaning Your Home

While a bit obsessed over it, there is nothing wrong with wanting your home to be clean and neat. Not only is maintaining a clean home good for you mentally, but it is actually good for your health. Too often we hear of people who are known as hoarders, people who collect things and allow them to pile up in their homes until there is no longer any where to walk. Clutter lends itself to things such as dust, mold and nice, cozy homes to rodents and insects of all sorts. When it comes to being clean and organized, less is best.

To begin, whenever you are cleaning your house, you want to be aware of what cleaning agents you are using. Recent studies have linked brain damage and general dysfunction to household cleaners that contain a lot of ammonia as well as bleach. When cleaning, keep in mind that there are plenty of natural or organic cleaning solutions out there that do just as good of a job as those cleaning solutions containing harsh chemicals. It is also something to consider if you have small children or frequently have small children visit your home.

If you have a pet such as a cat, then you should make sure that you wear a mask and clean out the litter in a well ventilated area. If going outside is not conducive, then make sure that you have a fan of some sort turned on and try to be as quick as possible when emptying/cleaning out litter. The reason for this is that cat urine often emits a fairly strong odor. Combine this with litter that already has chemicals in it as well as the fact that you are no doubt cleaning the litter box with some sort of bleach-based spray, and you may find that you don't feel so well after only a few minutes. As a healthier alternative, if your home allows it, try to put your cat's litter box in an entirely separate area that is away from any room that a human might use. Many people opt to put litter boxes in a guest bathroom. Additionally, there are also plenty of cat litter brands available now without harsh chemicals mixed in. You may want to consider trying one or two out to see how it goes for you.

Last but not least, make sure that you don't leave a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. My  mother has a simple rule for dishes which is that if you can dirty a dish, you can wash a dish. Washing a dish and putting it away takes no time at all. If you are cooking, learn to clean while you are cooking or how to put dirty dishes into the dishwasher as your cooking progresses, this way you won't have to do that much cleanup after all is said and done.