Are You Overthinking? How To Stop!

Recently, my friend told me that the guy she was interested in, hasn’t returned her calls in days. She mapped up possible scenarios and reasons why. My question to her was “Why overthink it?” Let it go and go about your life.

Our mind tends to make things more complicated than they really are, especially when it comes to dating. Our doubts and thoughts add unnecessary layers. “Why she hasn’t called you back? What should you say to her next time? What do his actions mean?” So many questions that you really don’t need to spend your time analyzing. Come on! Leave it be and go about your life! What is yours will always be yours.

Here are steps to freedom from overthinking:

1. Be independent
Live your life for yourself. Never stop your life for anyone else, especially someone you’re not married to yet. If you do, you’ll waste your time and become resentful towards that person. What is especially important is to make decisions for yourself and not because you think the other person will like it.

2. Release those unnecessary thoughts
When you catch yourself overthinking, just release those thoughts. Keep yourself busy and release your energy in positive ways such as doing activities you like.

3. Know that you ARE high commodity!
Realize your self-worth so that you never sweat the small stuff. Value yourself that you put yourself first and don’t let other people waste your time and thoughts.

4. Have trust
Believe in the person you’re dating or where you are in your life that things will run it’s course. If she/he doesn’t feel the same, move on. Have trust in your life. Trust that you are sparing your time for the right person who deserves you.


Don’t overthink his/her email or text.
Don’t overthink what you should say next
Don’t overthink your outfit
Don’t overthink your decision on that plan towards a goal
Don’t overthink on her/her actions

Vanae’s tip of the dae:Live a simple life. DONT OVER THINK IT…LET IT BE. When was the last time you were overthinking? How did you get over it?