Speak With a British Slang Tend to Over Stress

If you are a British in America try to speak without the British slang and save quite a big deal of bewilderment.  Well, it is not a disease it is just a regional dialect and sometimes you might feel funny and sometimes embarrassed.  By all means it becomes enjoyable for a future joke, when you are applying your British slang in a place where it is not used widely. Truly Americans use less slang than the British contrary to popular beliefs but still there is slang for Americans too.  Slang changes pretty quickly some term that mean a way 10 years before might not mean the same today.  If a British is going to mention knocked up for someone that is rapping on the door to an American, the situation can be funny, because Knock up in American slang means pregnant.

There are many words that are used in American with a totally different pronunciation when put in to use in the British slang like schedule spelt “sh” and schedule “sk” in American.  Many Americans that are trying to speak with a British slang tend to over stress on “mahss” and “fahncy” when truly they might not need to be doing it.  When we are trying to mimic the British slang without knowing where to place the stress on we tend to kill the richness and naturalness of that speech.  Similarly people that are used to British slang if they try to be American they will be using the term “too often” in wrong places!

•    CUPPA is a British slang word to say cup tea or.  They tend to use it as would you like to have a nice cuppa?
•    GIT in British refers to a silly fool
•    Full of Beans in British slang refers to someone with loads of energy.
•    Loo in British slang refers to a room with a toilet or just a toilet fixture.  It is commonly used as going to the Loo.
•    Sister in British slang refers to the Nurse.
•    Straight away in British slang refers to do something immediately.
•    Surgery is a British slang for the doctor’s office.

Well, there is truly no complete book that gives a comprehensive explanation of all the British slang in existence. However, learning new slang words can be like remembering a lot of your high school friend who was British! Enjoy learning British Slang with any of the online British slag resource.