The Lion's Roar (this is a piece I wrote a while ago and am reposting)

Learning doesn't work for me anymore. There is nothing to learn. If I have to learn something then what does that say about me. It says I am not enough, I am not complete, I am not whole. I am adding something to myself that's not me. Throw away the books, sack the teachers and get on with it. I am not here to suffer I am here to live. The teacher, taught and the teaching is an illusion. Teaching is a lie it has created a duality where none exists. Who knows how anything should be. Who knows what you should do and tells you how to do it. There is no formula. Stand up for yourselves, stand in your own light. Claim your own power. Dispense with false gods. No one knows better what is right for you than you because there is none other than you. Don't listen to me or do what I say, follow your heart and find your own way. Get up off your beds and walk. I need to be spontaneous, spontaneous in thought, feeling & action. My motto is just do it, don't judge how well you've done, what you could have done better or what you need to do next time. There are no mistakes. Jump in at the deep end with no safety net and see what happens. See how the tyranny and bondage of teaching have created false idols that have trapped and enslaved us with rules and regulations creating boundaries & beliefs that simply don't exist and stifle creativity and real freedom of expression and it‘s killing us. We need to live from our center the (heart) the knowing that really knows. It's time to grow up and take responsibility, be accountable to know that no-one is doing it to you YOU are doing it to yourself. What is the first thing that starts to happen once you open your eyes at birth (or even whilst still in the womb) they start to teach you, to condition that which is unconditioned they kill you before or soon after birth. Being born doesn't limit you, teaching does. They even give you a name, usually before you are born. We are done with becoming, there is nothing to become. We don't need to learn we need to unlearn, we need to return to our natural state of wonder, joy and innocence, to re-establish what it really means to be ourselves.

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