Have you kept your New Year resolutions-Astrology predictions 2010

We all are bad with New Year resolutions. Promises to diet, exercise, quit smoking, etc are broken, more often than not. This may cease to be the case once you have an understanding of your sun-signs.

The cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer and Libra, start with their fitness regimes in full swing, but don't stick to them for long.  They have tendency to begin with a good exercise regime, keep tabs on unhealthy habits like smoking and faulty eating, but also getting bored of it easily. They tend to lose interest once they achieve some success or loss with the regime.

What they can do to overcome this habit?

They can change the settings they exercise in, or by frequent alterations in eating habits.  They need a constant motivation to help them throughout the way or to start it all over again especially when they start feeling that the regimes have lost their charm.

They should keep varying routines, and try to keep sports competitive.

Find a partner to quit smoking with, and try out innovative games with others to make this whole ‘quitting or resolution thing' interesting.

Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, are strong when it comes to resolutions. They are likely to stick to resolutions they make, once convinced of their benefits.

A setback is that they find it difficult to change out of existing habits.  However, upon seeing the negative results they can feel that the whole thing was worthless at its very first place and feel the urge of  going back to old habits. They tend to get discouraged quickly and mend ways.

Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces- All, welcome change from the routine. They are innovative and come up with ideas to alter their regime. Ironically, it is their over-enthusiasm that takes them down before it's the perfect ending.

They try out numerous short term things and tend to stick to one move religiously. But as we know, being the ‘jack of all trades' should not be preferred over being a ‘master of none'.  We advise you to work on one resolution at a time like- getting your walking program sorted before you start with the exercise program.

It is suggested to alter daily routine for the individuals of these signs and do away with activities that are unnecessary, or too much to handle.

Smokers from these signs should adopt a natural diet a fortnight prior to quitting, and perform moderate exercise until they have left smoking completely.