7 Visualization Tools for Breakthrough Success

Visualization is the process of seeing in your mind's eye something that you would like to do, have, or become. It's building the prototype in your imagination first, thus activating the quantum Law of Attraction to create the corresponding physical reality.

Following are 7 visualization tools to help you make the most of this incredible power that's available to you right now:

1. A peaceful, quiet place. First in importance among the various visualization tools is to find a place where you can enjoy total peace of mind for 15-20 minutes. Visualization is a personal experience that requires mental focus. That's why you need a quiet place.

After you gain some experience in visualizing, you'll be better-equipped to deflect outside noise and distractions. But for the beginner, it's important to find your own sanctuary where you can be zero in on something you really want.

A safe bet is often a room at home with a door you can close behind you. But a peaceful place in a natural setting can be a tremendous enhancement to your visualization. Look for a secluded grassy knoll beside a babbling brook, or comfortable spot along a forest path.

2. Keep a pen and notepad handy and use it to write out the goal you'll be visualizing. Articulating a desire helps you decide what you most want. When you get it down on paper, does it come to life? Or is there something else you really want to go for now?

Getting your thoughts down on paper helps you decide. A second advantage to writing it out is it helps you gain clarity and refine your objective in detail. The more detailed your description, the more it tends to fuel your desire.

3. An audio recorder is another powerful visualization tool. Any kind of recorder will do. Simply speak into the microphone and record what it is you want. Maybe it's a new car, or wardrobe. Perhaps it's a relationship, or you want to improve your own self confidence. It doesn't matter what it is. Simply describe the result you want to have. Record your ideal scene with you already in possession of that which you seek.

4. Read the works of authors who reveal the magic of visualization. Look for Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain and anything written by Neville Goddard or Denis Waitley. All three understood the power of the mind to visualize or simulate a desired outcome to in fact bring it about.

5. Use affirmations to strengthen your visualization sessions. Affirmations are positive, empowering statements of fact expressed in the first person. They are powerful visualization tools designed to present a new self-concept; that of actually being in possession of whatever it is you seek.

6. Guided visualizations make it even easier. When you can listen to a CD or download that includes relaxing music as a soothing voice takes you on an imaginary trip towards yours specific goal -- that's powerful! Guided visualizations help channel your thinking and get you focused on your specific goal.

7. "Reminder triggers" help keep you on your chosen path. Visualizations are empowering. But what happens when you're finished a session and you head back out into the dog eat dog world of 21st century living?

You tend to forget about the direction you want to head in. That's where you need a reminder trigger. Maybe it's a special coin you carry in your pocket. Or it could be a goal card you keep with you that states clearly and succinctly what you're working towards. Even something as simple as an elastic band around your wrist can help you snap back into living life on your terms, whenever you catch yourself going astray.

There you have it -- 7 powerful visualization tools to enhance your sessions and your life. Apply these and you'll find yourself taking a faster, more direct route towars the things in life you most want