Neem Oil - a Best skin care product:

Basically Skin infections are contagious, in the sense they are easily spread. Pathetic skin infections include scabies, psoriasis, impetigo, athlete's foot, ringworm, etc. Among which scabies is considered as the highly transmittable skin disease. Scabies is caused by the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei.

It forms itchy and dry membrane in areas like below the waist, at armpits, in between the fingers, knees and even in buttocks for adults. In children, scalp of hair, neck, face and feet are the parts of infection.

Reason for scabies is by direct skin to skin contact where the transmission of the mites is easy. Scabies causing mites are very sensitive that they can't stay on the Host skin for more than 26 hours in any condition. Another possible means includes shaking hands, using other's clothes, which are left unwashed; sharing of bed clothes, etc. It is presumed that it can also transmit through physical sex.

Medication for Scabies is essential at early stages as it highly contagious and can also transfer to other parts as quickly as possible. Doctors generally prefer natural remedies for controlling such an ailment. Neem Oil serves to be an effective medication for scabies. It cannot heal scabies but it can reduce it. Neem Oil extracted from the leaf and seeds have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. People in India and its sub continents prefer Neem for most of their Health problems. Extraction of Oil has been a practice right from the ancient treatment of Ayurveda. They believe ayurvedic medicines are prescribed by their ancestors for health problems, and they do follow it until now. Ayurveda states Skin infections are better cured by Neem and its byproducts. Thus other skin ailments can also be cured using neem oil. Athlete's foot, ringworm and impetigo are those included. Rashes, scars and patches caused by these infections get transferred to other parts of the body if not identified and treated at initial stage. Strictly consult a physician to know the type of infection that has occurred then go for the treatment.


Apply Neem Oil over the infected parts using cotton. If you feel the odor of the Neem is allergic to you. Try adding some water to make it dilute and reduce its odor. Neem Oil is also available in the form of spray in markets, so you can make use of it.

Neem in the form of cream can also be used. Make use of this valuable and natural skin product and be free from uncomfortable itchy infections.