Stand for Something..

There is an old saying that goes something like this: If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. I consider myself to be a descent person and have always tried to do the right thing. While I was in college, I joined an organization called the Masons who are very prominent in Baptist churches, where I have attended for most of my life.

On the surface, this organization is well known and respected for helping people out and doing good things in the community. Once I joined, I began to become uncomfortable with the secrecy of the organization and eventually decided that it was not for me.  These days, people are so afraid of crossing the line of being politically correct that they sometime compromise their beliefs. I am not afraid of the political machine.  I have no political spirations and my faith and trust is in my Lord and savior Jesus Christ to take care of my needs.

I believe that if you have good news, news that can help people then you should share it, not hide it. I must admit a couple of things.  One at first, I did not totally embrace my decision to distance myself from this organization. I had gathered lots of material and items that I was reluctant to part with, so I held on to it. Eventually it bothered me to the point that I knew I had to let go. Once you decide that something is bad and you are turning away from it, you should turn and fully commit to turn away.  Not to make a full committment to turn is like ending an affair and keeping the person's phone number and pictures around. It's like going on a diet, but keeping those twinkies hidden in the cupboard.

The other thing is that it was hard to admit to my fellow brothers that I had a change of heart. At this point, I was no longer in college so all I really had to do was not find another lodge to attend. Every now and then I would run across an old lodge brother and those words would not come out of my mouth. It was not the people that I no longer wanted to associate with, it was the organization.  I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I was not sure if they would get it.

Those things no longer matter, because I have to stand up for what I believe is right. It's a good feeling not to be controlled by the thoughts and ideas of other. Stand up for what you believe in so you won't fall for anything.