Step Three on the Stair to Success

Without action the steps I have previously discussed and will write about in the future are rendered useless. Remember this is a decision you have to make in order to become successful at what ever you do. If you decide to do nothing about situations in life, then you will have a life of mediocrity, full of complaining, a should of, could of, would of Mentality. This is where mindset is so important and ties all the steps on the stair together.

By taking action you will eliminate many, if not all of the negative factors on your climb. Many of the negative factors are the same ones that are found on each step, they tie together, just as positive factors do. Action, through learning, striving to do your best, conquering fear and always moving forward towards your goals is my point!

When you become a person of action and you capitalize on your strength, you will automatically inspire people, and be a natural leader. All of the great leaders through time have had these admirable qualities. Most I am sure were not born with these qualities, they had to learn from mistakes and strive to do better, just like you and me,but by not giving up they had much success and so can you.

Also you do not want life to pass you by, miss out on all the treasures it has to offer. We all know how fast 24 hours can go by. So take a chance every now and then, go out on a limb, that is where all the fruit is hanging! I also am a firm believer that it is better to do something, instead of nothing! GOOD DAY!