Don't be small - grow tall

We've all heard that you are what you eat, right?  I've always found exception to that adage, preferring this one.  You are what you THINK ABOUT what you eat.  In other words, state of mind plays a very important role in diet, health and just about everything else in life.

If you're looking for ways to increase your height… to grow your stature, there are lots of things you can do to help.  There are exercises specifically designed to increase a person's height.  There are supplements that also stimulate growth by activating certain processes in the body, such as production of growth hormone.  There are surgeries, but I don't recommend this route except in very rare instances.  There is proper posture and proper attitude.

You can, perhaps, find help through hypnosis, meditation, visualization or the power of positive thinking.  Maybe so, maybe no.

And then there's diet.  A person's diet certainly plays a big part in his or her well-being and health, but it can also be of paramount importance in your quest for increased height as well.

Remember when mom insisted that you drink your milk and said that it would help you to become big and strong?  Well, it's a true story.  Milk, which, as we all know is rich in calcium, is critical in developing strong bones which are, after all made of calcium themselves.  If you're trying to add height, you should drink at least three or four glasses of milk each day.  And this is as a minimum.  You could consume even more.

You should also try to consume foods rich in Vitamins A and D.  This includes fish, fish oil, eggs, red peppers and other things too.  I won't go through the whole list.  This information about foods high in Vitamins A and D is easy enough to find.

Also, certain minerals will aid in growing taller, particularly zinc, since it is able to stimulate increased production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which the body produces naturally and is essential to reaching your true growth potential.

Synthetic HGH is marketed widely online and in vitamin shops but there's a question as to whether the imitation hormone is anywhere nearly as effective as the real thing, which your body already makes naturally.  The point is, certain foods will help increase the amount of HGH your body produces.  These foods, to name a few, include:  oysters, beans, nuts and seeds, chicken and liver.  Bon apetit!  Hope this helps