Tall Jokes - Dealing With Jokes About Your HeightWriting on behalf of tall folks - we know we are tall and it doesn't make us feel any better to be constantly reminded of it. I am sick and tired of being told "Is it cold up there? So how tall are you anyway?" OR "Was your mother a giraffe? If I were obese, I can't believe people would say to me "Wow you are fat - how much do you weigh?" For some innoffensive jokes about tall people and lots more on the joys sorrows of being tall, please go to being tall . Learn also how to cope with what life has to throw at the tall person - we have to be above tall jokes. Forgive the pun, but it's not always easy being tall. There are many advantages and disadvantages to being tall - and dealing with jokes about tall men is just one. Beingtall.com is an informational site covering all topics on being tall including the advantages of being tall, the disadvantages and some non-offensive tall jokes about tall people. Enjoy BeingTall.com. |