Aarp I Thank You

I just turned 50 years old.  Thank you to all my friends and family we celebrated this grave stone, oh sorry, milestone in my life.  Is this the point in your life where you actually look back and see the paths you have taken and the lives you have touched?  The things of the past helped shape and mold me into the person I am today.  I'd like to think I am pretty good, but asking the ones who love me most they would say "There is always room for improvement".

I have spent a lot of time reflecting the last couple of weeks I am not sure why it's just when you get your AARP card in the mail they might as well put on the envelope "Hey Old Timer".  I got my membership 3 days before my birthday.  Do you think there is some guy in the AARP office salivating when he opens his email and sees he can send out more OLD folks welcome packages?  Seriously, AARP is a great organization and I just signed up, so I am looking forward to my magazine reminder that I am old.

Wow what to change if I had to do it over again…….nothing.  I would dwell on the all the woulda, coulda, shoulda, I would be living my life with regret.  Yea I know, easier said then done. Like most everyone, I will think about what I have done in the past, and how my life would have been different but you cannot let that get the best of your heart and mind.  The truth is the stages and maturity in your life made the path and put you in the place you are today, and where you are today is where you are suppose to be.  There is MORE good news you have the rest of TODAY and TOMORROW and the rest of your life to make your dreams come true.  Now let's be realistic, would a house at the beach and money in the bank and the ability to travel and enjoy the finer things in life be nice.  Hell yeah they would but I need to start by being thankful for what I have now and to learn to truly appreciate the moment.

Start by making a difference.

As I am writing this, something just popped in my mind, a chance meeting about  20 years ago, it feels like it was yesterday, it was a conversation that lasted less then 30 seconds.  Who would have thought many years later this lesson from a stranger would have such impact.

I was working as a volunteer where several local churches in the Oceanside, California area we had a huge assist the Homeless event.  It included showers, hair cuts, and counseling and clothing and much more.  I had worked several jobs that day, filling in where needed, but the last stop for me before clean up was the clothing tent this is where we had stacks of clothes (jeans, shirts, jackets) and blankets, just tons of stuff.  This was the final stop for the homeless men, women, and families we where able to help that day.  I noticed a good looking young man whom I guess was maybe 28 (he looked kind of like a surfer dude) come into the tent after and his shower, haircut and hot meal, he grabbed a pair of jeans began to do something with the waist band of the jeans compared to his elbow, this is a way to measure if the jeans will fit without trying them on I guess.  He then grabbed a SINGLE pair used jeans, then a SINGLE shirt, along with one blanket he then placed them in his small bag that he had slung over his shoulder.  He then headed for the tent exit.  I spoke with him as he was about to leave and asked him if he would like anymore.  I told him to feel free to take all that he needed he then looked at me with his eyes welling with tears he said "Today I have been truly blessed, thanks to you and everyone that came out to help, we really appreciate what everyone has done, but this is all I need and I want to make sure that everyone else gets whatever they need"  I shook his hand and said God Bless you watched him leave the tent alone and he began walking towards the beach to who knows where, likely to an uncertain future, or was this a new beginning.

This man did not know at the time, how he had touched my life. Think about times in your life you never forget where you where when certain event occur.  I will never forget where I was that day and I want to say to that man today to who I had was able to give the gift of some clothes and blanket but he gave me so MUCH more that day then I gave him.  Thanks and you taught me what genuine appreciation means.

Last night was sitting in my home watching TV with my wife Pam who was so tired. She had worked all day and I was still working call and the words "I need to be a volunteer – not sure where but I am going to figure it out" came out of my mouth.  I am not sure where they came from, but they just came out.  That was 15 hours before writing this.  Funny now I am reminded of a moment in my life where I volunteered many years ago and what a blessing that was to me.  When you volunteer it makes a difference in lives of others, but the truth is the real difference, is the change in your life.  You can call it a random act of kindness or to pay it forward whatever you call it know it is good.

Do not sit and wait for your AARP card.  I challenge all of you to do something to make a difference in the lives of other but most importantly your life.

JM 04/19/2010