About Teenage Freindship.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The one and only thing in life which has no substitute is companionship or friendship. Man has been gifted by god by means of many adorable and lovable POSSESSIONS AND BELONGINGS. From that the best and the worth possessions would be friends and their friendship. It is the best gift in the word given by god to cherish thoroughly with zeal and zest.

Friendship includes possessiveness, love, like, loath, care, gratitude

Adoration, Affection etc.  Even every damn feeling that exist in the world. Friends are who are always there for us at every point of time. Friendship is like a SEESAW…not owing to the fact that it is fun but it is because a friend won't mind going down just to see his friend rising or going up for a while. Friendship means a lot to those who give importance to relationships and interaction. Though Friendship is not just interacting or sharing, it is means to ensure persona development. Even so, it embraces coaxing, blandishments, loathing, hatred, love and endearment; everyone loves it...

More often we do not get the equivalent love from our parents or siblings that we get from a friend. We have contented and snug level with them…emotionally and mentally both...the most amiable and delightful part of our life is comradeship especially with the one who understands us unfathomably ……., whose accompany makes us feel rejuvenated and exulted even in despair…., whose love and endearment cannot be measured and calculated. Consequently, friendship is great way to raise one child's rational level…