Love and then expect love
It is an old saying that love begets love and therefore, we must expect love from another only when we have got some love for him or for her. Love is not an affair one-sided. In a country like India, people of so many faiths are living here. They are trying to become a nation. But the minorities feel that they are being discriminated even by the state because people in the state need votes and therefore, they are bound to favour the majority. We have seen that the state machinery had been sleeping when there are riots and innocent people are killed and they are alive when there are acts of terrorism. We have noted that people taking part in riots could not be caught and that is the reason they did not get any punishment and the people who had been taking part in terrorism had been killed in encounter or they have been hanged. Therefore, we should not expect that the people belonging to different religions and castes shall be loving the others, because there is no love lost between the two sects. But even then we should not leave this subject here, but we should make it sure that people of different religions, different castes and of different economic and social groups may have some type of unity and only then they shall be able to convert this country into one nation. It is true that love takes birth in two hearts simultaneously and if love has taken birth in one heart, it would not travel to the heart of the other. All these hates could be removed only if the people could understand that they all have come from one God and therefore, we all belong to one family. Since God is one, we should try to become one on this earth and only then we shall be able to have benefits from the blessings of God on this earth. The present system and all the events in history of this mankind do not tell us something good. This man had always been at war with each other and they had been killing their own people with their own hands. This shows that the people on this earth had never been in love with each other and they had been hating each other. And most of the hates had been taking birth out of our religious feelings. Let us have a new look on all the religious books and where they are dividing us and are creating hates for each other we should try to understand their meanings in a right manner. And we, the people of this world can do now, because we can learn a lesson from our own history.