Free Money For You, If You Want It Bad Enough!It is a fact that people with an education from a college or university, normally make about a quarter of a million dollars more in lifetime earnings for each year of college studying! Plus, you can get the government and several other sources to give you FREE money to use to get this education! ***Please feel free to forward this piece to anyone you know who might benefit from it! That's Good Karma for you and it really may help them!*** Here are some awesome sources for grants, loans, scholarships, and endowments that you might be able to get. You may have to apply or qualify, and you will certainly have to "look into it," but at least you have a starting point! For starters, there is the "Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance" available at your local public library or by visiting this website at where you can see the CFDA, which contains detailed program descriptions for2,041Federal assistance programs! This Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) provides a full listing of all Federal programs available to State and local governments (including the District of Columbia); federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; Territories (and possessions) of the United States; domestic public, quasi- public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups; and individuals. You might find some awesome and life-changing information inside this fabulous source for grants and funding! You might decide to go to college, orgo back to college, and change your life for the better! Life is too short to sit around sad, bored, broke, et cetera! Each State in the U.S.A. also has grants and other money available for higher education! You can check the website of the state that you live in for more information about that! Another great source is the Education Resources Information Center, nicknamed ERIC, where you can find a wealth of information pertaining to education found at their website located at:eric.ed.govwhere you will find more detailed information! If you really want to go to school for free, it can more than likely be arranged somehow! You just have to get busy and find "the way" to do it! If you want an awesome good luck charm to maybe help you along the way, you might consider getting the ?cPath=2721402&products_id=31094536" Indian Medicine Bag Seen By Clicking Here! My name isFather Time,and as a self-help writer and motivational speaker, I am a big believer in encouraging folks of all ages to go to college or go back to college, and to better their lives! You can do anything that you put your mind to! I also offer aDaily Motivational e-mail Servicefound on my website at and you can also find lots of great info atArticlesBase.comwhich always has cool articles and information to help you! Just remember; "The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person who is doing it." Many Blessings! |