The Health Benefits of Using Hypoallergenic Shampoo

The process of finding just the right hypoallergenic shampoo can be a daunting task unless you know and understand a few important things about the ingredients used to manufacture the product. This is especially true for those with very sensitive skin. Many of the health and beauty products on the market labeled hypoallergenic can still be an irritant for those with sensitive skin, so it's a good idea to learn how to read the label of the product you're considering.

Be Aware of These Key Ingredients

Health and beauty companies can mark their shampoos hypoallergenic and still add ingredients that could cause you to break out or to have itchy skin. Considering that our skin absorbs anything that we put on it, we should be extra careful when choosing shampoo, conditioner, lotion, cosmetics, etc.

Which ingredients should you be aware of and looking for each time you pick up a shampoo?

* Sodium Lauryl Sulfate – also referred to as Sodium Laureth Sulfate, this is one of the ingredients in shampoo that creates the foaming action with which we're all familiar. However, this ingredient has been linked to potential health issues such as toxicity of the brain, endocrine system, nervous system, and organs.

* Fragrances – the addition of fragrance to shampoo is not necessary for cleanliness. In fact, fragrances are allergens that are derived synthetically and can be an irritant to many skin types. Your hair will still smell fresh and clean naturally without the use of a single chemical fragrance.

* Parabens – these ingredients are utilized as preservatives in many health and beauty products, including shampoo. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer. Some researchers say children should only use paraben-free products or else they could be predisposed to cancer in later life. Men and women suffering from rosacea should opt for paraben-free shampoos. Sensitive skin is also irritated by parabens, causing redness, blotchiness, and even breakouts.

It's important to note that unless you make your own health and beauty products at home, even natural products will require some sort of preservative. Discontinue use of any hypoallergenic shampoo or other natural product if it smells strange or rancid. That smell is a warning that the oils in the product are no longer safe to use.

It's possible for a hypoallergenic shampoo to contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and parabens along with several other potential skin irritants, so it's important to do the research and know which ingredients could be a problem for you. Print out a list and take it with you! That way, you know exactly what you're looking for instead of standing in the aisle trying to extract the long chemical names from memory.

Additional Potential Skin Irritants in All-Natural Shampoo

Keep your eyes open as well for the following ingredients: petroleum or by-products of petroleum, aluminum, triclosan, animal by-products, and certain forms of alcohol, to name a few.

It is unfortunate that health and beauty companies who manufacture all-natural products are still getting away with adding ingredients that could cause serious skin issues and other health issues for the users. However, now that you have more information on how to choose a safer hypoallergenic shampoo, you'll no longer be stressed out or confused while walking down the shampoo aisle!
