Is Your Body Trying To Tell You Something?

Jane leads a busy life.  She works as a marketing manager in a multinational corporation.  Her hours are long and her meals are irregular.  Whenever she feels hungry or bored at work, she will help herself to sweets, chocolates, nuts or biscuits, all within easy reach.

Every week without fail, she will either experience a bad tummy ache or suffer from diarrhea.  Also, before any important meeting, she is sure to have tummy upset.  Jane is too busy to pay any attention to these symptoms.  She dismisses it as a small issue, nothing to be worried about.  She will just self-medicate and continue with her lifestyle.

Years later, Jane switches job.  The new company is pro-family life and the pace of work is just right for her.  She feels alive for the first time after all these years.  She is happy although she is earning less.  She now has more time for her herself and family.  She even has time to pursue her hobbies and help out at charitable events.

Now into her new job, she no longer suffers from bad tummy ache and diarrhea.  She is pleasantly surprised and is thankful that she has made the switch.  She would not know what would have become of her should she remain in her previous job.  Her health would have suffered and headed towards serious complications.

Is your body trying to tell you something?  Do you often feel sore, tense, discomfort or pain at a certain area?  Don't dismiss it as something small.  Try to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.  She will let you know if you are doing the right thing or heading the wrong way.  Give your body a chance to tell you exactly how you have been treating her.  Whether you are taking good care of her or that you have been abusing her with your habits and lifestyle.  Listen attentively.  Give yourself a chance to live well.