Add Hyperfocus, Determination, And Persistence

Two important qualities that all successful people have are determination and persistence. But when you have ADD, the persistence part can be quite difficult

But let's take a step back. What makes someone determined?

There are many meanings of that word, but the one meaning we want to concentrate on here is the "firmness of purpose or resolve." It's a "burning desire" the kind of determination that motivates you to action. Yet, determination alone won't lead to success. Only persistence will. You have something that linear-thinking people don't have and that's the ability to hyperfocus. If you're determined enough, if you have that "burning desire" to achieve something, only persistence will make that happen. You have to as Mark Joyner says in his course Simpleology 101, "Hit it, until you hit it." You have to be so persistent that nothing else matters but the attainment of that goal.

Of course, you can't ignore personal care or groceries or keeping your house clean, but you can avoid certain distractions that may not only inhibit your progress toward your goal, but shut it down completely. You need to take the time you have every day to work on that project and shut everything else out, until you see it come true. You have to see your goal. You have to see the reward that you'll get from achieving that goal. Then, focus and persist until you get it. It's that simple. Some people who have ADD are very good at doing that, while others will have a harder time. You need to eliminate distractions---completely, if you're able, so that you have nothing else but the target in your sights.

Some people may try to knock you off your path. They tell you that something "can't" be done. Well, that's false. There is nothing in life that can't be done, if you want to do it badly enough. Stay away from people like that, if possible. But if it's a parent or even a spouse that tells you, "You're dreaming," when you have big ideas, then just don't tell them about your great idea until you've reached the goal. They're just telling you that you can't do something because they can't do it themselves. Forget that!

Forget interruptions, too, by taking precautions against them. For instance, set a time that you want to work on your project every day. Then, tell everyone you know that you won't take calls during that time. Turn the phone off.

Sometimes this isn't possible, as with when you have kids. You're always worried that the call is from the school or the daycare saying that something needs your attention. OK, so get caller I.D. and only take calls from the school or daycare. Just don't touch the phone, no matter who it is, unless it's about your kids.

Stop distracting yourself with pointless computer games and reading email and whatever else it is you like to do online. If you just can't control your attention, ask someone to be your accountability partner. We all get off track sometimes. They may have to call you every 15 minutes one day, and only come and nudge you back to work one time the next. Just find someone who cares enough that you reach your goal and who won't hesitate to kick some butt if you're not doing what you need to be doing.

Don't let that make you feel bad about yourself, though, just re-direct your hyperfocus back in the right direction and get rid of the things that might be distracting you. But from the time you get that "burning desire," from when you set your sights on a goal and see its rewards, don't let anyone tell you it can't be done. Can't isn't an option. Just put your ADD hyperfocus to work and meet that goal head on. You deserve it!