
Self esteem
In self esteem and self worth there is one primary connection which is recognition of self discipline. You’ll have to be able to dictate the pace (and actions) of your life. It’s one thing to trust in your own judgment about yourself; and another thing to trust in the judgment of others about you. On the outside, you’ll find biased points of view. But from within you should find something more valuable. You know something worth the while.

To build self esteem (it does require some discipline) you must begin by a genuine appreciation of self. Know your strengths and build on them. Understand your weaknesses and try to change them. (Adapt to change because change is a constant part of life). In doing this you must learn to be decent, firm and focused. Appreciate yourself (in totality) deeply. This includes your family background, your place of residence, your status, your education, your occupation and place of work. Try to find the silver lining in these things (and believe me there is always a silver lining) If there are cases of discord resolve them and create an accord. Part of growing self esteem requires reconciliation of past wrongs. It’s a healing for you. You’ll find in this situation a freedom within (practiced on the outside). Calmness in the mind which is very good for your body. Don’t imagine that you cannot do this. Surely you can: Just give it a try. Then, begin to work on your skills. Which of course can be anything or a number of things? This should be an ability which comes effortlessly. From these you should be able to carve a niche for yourself. Further, it could serve as a means of livelihood. You know, an occupation, (or work); something that you do for a living which brings substantial rewards: (both material and personal satisfaction).

You see as people when we are engaged in an occupation that is immensely pleasing it rewards us more abundantly. These rewards strengthen our self-esteem because you find yourself useful in something that has to do with other people. So, respect others as you respect yourself. Practice dignity and appreciation of things. Definitely you’ll find amazing results.