A Beginners Internet Marketing - 10 Things You Can ChangeLet's start with a little beginners internet marketing back ground, how about one the web's most successful stories.In a garage a gentleman named Jeff Bezos in 1994 a 29 year old senior vice president of a wall street bank read that the internet was growing a rate of 2300% an opportunity of major proportion. He quit his job and researched what would sell online and of course he started with books at that time 3 million in print and developed a little e-commerce business called Amazon in 1995 that would grow to become the largest internet retailer with a record of customer satisfaction, and fastest growth rate grouped in the top Big 4 internet companies along with Yahoo,Ebay and Google. A man started a multi mllion or should i say billion dollar business in his garage to this day is still very doable with hard work and persistence. It's like this "If you want something you've never had before,your going to have to do something you've never done before." The opportunities still exist; the only thing holding you back. IS 1. You, (I have been there.) 2. Becoming goal oriented.(set small goals to start) 3. Time; or is it. Turn off the boob tube.( Make good choices) 4. Getting the right mind set.(How can i help others) 5. Not being afraid of some hard work.(Fear can be just another excuse) 6. Getting the proper learning, training, studying.(Wealthy Affiliate University) 7. Staying focused at tasks ahead.(It's a business.) 8. Believing in yourself.(When nobody else does) 9. Quit listening to all the down and outers.(Prove it to yourself 1st) 10.Commit to it.(Take Action) In conclusion What's your vision? This is not a Get Rich Quick process i'm talking about and it's not for the one who thinks it's going to be handed to them on a silver platter. It's a business; one that can be built virtually for free; OK a little over dollar a day in these tough times. What's the cost a day 1 large coffee,coke,donut,a trip to the burger joint you do the math. Search your heart what will it take to peel you off the couch and get the remote out of your hand and use your head for something more than a hat rack? Action!You choose the path to making money at home. Please imagine the 1000's of possibilities you have with the resources of the information highway at your fingertips and that gray matter between your ears. With an idea,passion,hobby,job skill just screaming to get out, or my favorite,being my own boss. Not much different than Mr.Bezos(A dreamer ,visionary and a goal setter who saw the opportunity, and in one word Amazon ) Who found the information he needed and started an online book store and built a site to offer a new way to access books. So with that said, let me introduce you to the place of educaton I go to where I am changing my future, Wealthy Affiliate University the #1 internet source for education about building an online business. That's why it is called a University "an institution of higher education and research" University, derived from Latin roughly the meaning is "a community of teachers and scholars. |