Love Thy Brothers And Sisters

Love thy brothers and sisters

Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

This family system has been established in the world and that is the reason, we are calling this man as a social animal.  And this family must be considered as the first unit of this society nd our social life begins from the family.  The most important members of this family are our parents and then our brothers and sisters.  Lucky are the people who have got their own real brother and sisters and they can consider these people as their friends sent by God Himsel.  We may be having so many friends and we may be creating so many relations with others, but the real relationship is with the family members and then our brother and sisters who shall live with us for a longer period and we shall be having occasions to help and to seek their help, when we are in need of help.

We may be having some disputes with our brother and sisters, when our parents die and those could be concerning sharing of properties and assets left by the parents.  But here too, we must solve these problems ourselves and lucky are the people who do not approach police and the Court for solving these disputes. When we are taking up the cause of distribution, we msut take care of those who are weak and are not well settled in life and such people should be given a better share so that they too could lead a reasonable life. We must be proud of our brothers and sisters and must talk good about them, as and when occasion arises and we should never talk against our own brothers and sisters.  We must love them and then this love must extend towards their children too.  We must know that these are the people who had established our identity and these are the people who are our arms and they are protecting us and when we are in acute pains and tragedies, they are with us and share our grievances.  When we die, if these people are not present, the apeople collected shall say that we had not been a good person.  Presence of our own brothers and sisters on all occasions of our pleasures and tragedies is most necessary and with the presence of these people, we are known in the society around us.  These things must be kept in view while we are dealing with our brothers and sisters.

101-C Vikas Colony, Patiala
