Easy Ways To Cut Calories With Healthy Eating

Looking for ways to cut calories and take off some extra pounds? Follow these easy tips for healthier eating and reducing your caloric intake won't be so hard. Get started with a few of these suggestions. Then try more, as you get comfortable with your new habits. Before you know it you will not only have succeeded in cutting calories but you will feel better as well as look better!

If you cook, choose healthy cooking techniques. Fried foods pile on the calories FAST! So why fry when you can broil, grill, bake, braise, poach, roast, sauté, steam, or stir-fry. If you aren't familiar with all of these terms get a hold of a comprehensive cookbook. You may find all many new ideas for healthy dishes to prepare.

Whether you are eating at home or out, there are other choices you can make to eat healthy and cut calories in addition to avoiding fried foods.

* Add vegetables to as many home-prepared foods as possible

* Cut back on calorie-laden sauces

* Fat-free or low fat doesn't mean calorie free

* Drink less juice. It is better to eat fruit than drink fruit juice.

* Choose to eat more foods that are high in fiber and/or water such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and beans

* Enjoy broth-based soups made with vegetables, beans, and/or lean pieces of meat

* Consider eating fruit for dessert or not have any dessert at all

* Eat meals and snacks BEFORE you get overly hungry

* Choose to drink more water or unsweetened tea and less sweetened beverages and juice

* Cut back on butter, margarine, or mayonnaise

* Use oil sparingly

* Eat smaller portions. A good rule of thumb is for each serving to not be bigger than your fist or the amount of food that might fit in your cupped hand.

* READ nutrient and ingredient labels on packaged and canned goods to choose foods with fewer calories and better nutrition. Don't be misled by the food manufacturers claims on the front or top of the packaging. These claims can be very misleading!

* Look for breakfast cereals that are high in fiber and low in sugar

* Make a list of your favorite 100-calorie nutritious snacks and keep that list on your refrigerator door to remind you of the healthier choices you can make

* Keep high calorie sweets, desserts, and snack foods out of sight and better still, out of your house

* Find something to do with your hands when watching T.V. other than eating. You could try sketching, knitting, crocheting, or other needlework.

* Teach yourself to not eat right out of a package or container of food. Serve yourself a small amount and leave the rest out of reach and out of sight!

Cutting calories needn't be hard when you have a plan for healthier eating.