The Social Syndrome: Social Anxiety Disorder

Meeting people , partying around , catching up for coffee, luncheons, dinner dates, friends get together, house warming parties, weddings, birthdays, can be just recognized as different social event , but these are the little things that spice up anyone's life. Just imagine a whole week full of just the monotonous routine without any such break, where can just let lose and enjoy and eat, drink, talk and be merry. These occasions and any other social gathering just rejuvenates life and keeps us going for unending times. But that is not the case with everyone. It is a very surprising fact that there are people who avoid social gatherings and hat meeting people. This is not because they are too dedicated to their work or think such gatherings are just a waste of time but because social gatherings make them anxious and uncomfortable. Uncomfortable and anxiousness due to social gathering, unbelievable is it not? But it is absolutely true. People who experience anxiety when they in a social gathering and react in the most unexpected manner are said to be suffering form social anxiety disorder. This condition is also known as social phobia and can be associated with a psychological disorder.

Reasons and symptoms of the syndrome

People suffering from social anxiety disorder just hate to be at social events. This is because they are very self conscious and keep thinking that all the people around them are evaluating their each and every move. They think less of themselves and have a feeling that all the people are better off. In one word it can be said that these are the people who suffer from a case of extreme inferiority complex. People suffering form this disorder often do not attend social gatherings and stay out of touch of others around them. Moreover, this kind of behavior has a negative impact on their social, working and personal life. They are not the people who are introverts or are shy. They are a complete different set who are very self-conscious. The reason for social anxiety disorder may arise from some other phobia. Say a person has the fear of public speaking or phobia of meeting people then he slowly develops the social anxiety disorder. This is basically because they have a feeling that their actions will bring embarrassment to them and they will become a laughing stock. The symptoms of social anxiety disorder include sweating, nervousness, and shivering, stammering, nausea and if the case is an extreme a panic attack cannot be ruled out. These are a group of people who actually find communicating with others very difficult and cumbersome. This disorder is generally developed in childhood or at the teen age and may last life long, some people do not even realize that they suffer from any such disorder and blame it on their basic nature.

Cure and conclusion

Social anxiety disorder is perfectly curable with medication and therapies and sometimes a combination of both. It depends on the condition of the patient as to what kind of treatment the doctor prescribes for him. Pharmacotherapeutic agents are given to people suffering from this disorder and can be taken over a long period of time. Cognitive behavioral theory is also used to treat patients of this disorder. Antidepressants are also given to the patients. The results are positive without any side effect. Apart form all this a lot of will power and support from the near ones is also required. It can be overcome with a little hard work, proper medication and persistence from the patience.