Genealogy And Identity Theft

Studies have confirmed that most of the identity thefts happen through the literal theft by friends, fellow workers, relatives, purses or mails, or fraudulent address changes. Identity theft is also known to happen to people who are slack about their own genealogical data, and are also casual about protecting other people's genealogical data as well. The actual truth is that anybody can find out anything about you if they want to, especially if they try hard enough.

There are several ways that can be used to protect your identity, as well as that of other family members. The most basic method to guard one's self from falling victim to identity theft is by simply changing your secret question and answer. Most people normally use their maiden names as their password for their online personal information. If an identity thief wanted your maiden name, he would simply go to the courthouse and he will access your marriage certificate very comfortably.

Some people use your name from where you went to school. It is very easy accessing such information if someone really wanted to get your personal identifiers. Therefore people should try to be more technical when it comes to question and answer sections, especially when it's for your password.
Most researchers share files among themselves. It's only prudent to always privatize files you share with others so that you are able to prevent the inclusion of living people's personal details such as names and date of birth.

This could act as an easy source of information for would be identity thieves who will have it served on a silver platter if such information is left open to the public. Always try and exclude living people from your data base; if not, have two data bases. This is important because their personal information is not meant for the public, and who knows when an identity thief could be reading and getting ideas.

It's good to exercise confidentiality with others, and demand it of them. This way you will avoid putting other people's personal information in harms way. Therefore it's now a law that sharing the information of living people, without a signed assurance from the recipient that that information will not be shared with others, is an offense.

It's increasingly becoming very important to store important documents in a secure place, especially those that involve financial materials as well as the family members and your current personal identifiers. Don't go around carrying original identity materials, especially when they are not needed. Carry photocopies if you really have to, otherwise leave them in a secure place to limit chances of becoming a victim of identity theft.

Just to keep a tab on your financial activities, request your financial report at least once a year as it will help you identify any irregularities or fraudulent activities should there be any. ? ?