How to ease the pain of the divorce process

The divorcing process is one of the most difficult and challenging passages we face as human beings and it humbles us despite our background and intelligence.  In my work as a divorce mediator and divorce coach I have always maintained a deep respect for what it means to go through this process.  My commitment in helping couples reorganize their families is to "Prevent the wounds of the past from becoming the scars of the future."

In order to accomplish this I invite the divorcing couples I see to express their interests rather than their positions, sort out their emotional agendas from the tasks of divorce, and reduces the emotional and economic costs so that they be together at all of the important events in their children's lives.  The divorce agreements I help couples create are based on mutual satisfaction and are designed to stand up over time.  This is especially true when dealing with delicate issues like support and sharing time with their children, so that they can each be the best parent possible.

While I am trained to do child custody evaluations, I find this process too polarizing and I prefer to find ways to mediate this issue for the best of all involved.  I like to work collaboratively with other divorce professionals to form an overall plan that matches with the unique needs of each divorcing couple.  It is important that all the professionals in your team are supportive of families creating their own collaborative solutions, including the attorneys.