Relationship Advice - Why Working on your marriage is Better Option then Divorce

Do you remember happier days with your spouse? Are you and your husband cannot communicate without being sarcastic or breaking in an argument?  Have your considered divorce?

If you have considered divorce here are some good reasons why you should be working on  your marriage instead:

High costs of divorce

Did you think that marriage counseling is expensive? This means that you haven't really checked the cost of getting divorced. Divorce lawyers are among the most successful business man at this era in most of the western world. Beside the fact that you and your husband will share your property, you will discover that you have a very substantial partner - your lawyer.

Your husband will also pay a lot of money to his layer and will be bitter about you. This can affect your future relations, and especially important if you have common children.

Bad effect on your children

Almost every study on the subject shows that children and adolescent are very sensitive to their parents relationships, and parents divorce is one of the hardest things for then. They tend to develop a variety of behavioral problems and great anger when parents get divorce.

This might also happen when parents tend to argue all the time.

Relationship uncertainty

Even if you get divorce, the emotional effect of the breakup tends to impact your live life and your future relationships.

Beside the fact that you might find out that "it is cold out there", and that in order to find a new mate you will have to start an un simple process of searching, dating, expectations and disappointments.

And let us not forget that people tends to repeat the same mistakes in every relationship, to couple with the same type of man, and basically duplicate the same problematic relationship over again.

The chance

Lastly, well there might be a good chance that in a very short time with few advices, tips, tricks and new strategies, you can fix your relationship back to the happy days that your remember.

For a great free mini e course on how to save your marriage take the link at the bottom of this article

Relationships/marriage are the most Common reason for happiness or misery.<br />
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Good luck, be patience, you can do it!<br />