Ladies: Now That You're Single Again: CONGRATULATIONS Might Be In Order! Just BE Safe, Though!

If you arenewly divorcedyou should consider preparing yourself with some great self defense andpersonal protectionitems! Now, I will assume that you don’t want to carry or use a handgun, but there are many other great items for self defense, such as pepper sprays. These will temporarily disable an attacker for about a half an hour without causing him any permanent harm or damage. Simply spray the solution in his face, even from a distance of about 6 feet, and his eyes will burn, he will cough and choke, and won’t be able to concentrate on you, as you have an opportunity to escape!

You should also get a good door brace to wedge under the door knob and down to the floor, so that even if someone unlocked your door, they wouldn’t be able to open it. An electronic device that has a motion sensor and sounds like a barking dog is also a good investment, as you may have somebody knock on your door, while you are home or away, and either way you just want them to leave. They will hear what sounds like a huge dog and away they go!

All women should also carry an electronic whistle, and whenever they may need help or assistance, a press of the button will emit a loud, ear piercing sound that can “wake the dead” and certainly attract attention from somebody.

The greatest thing for any single girl who lives alone is the telephone voice changer, a small battery operated device that can be held over most telephone mouthpieces and when you speak into it, you can sound like an older gentleman and nobody will know they are speaking to a younger lady. This is great for when the “newness” of living alone frightens you or you just want to answer the phone anonymously.

My name isFather Time. I have been writing a variety of materials for many years, and also writegreeting cardverses. I have a fabulousOnline SuperStorewhich features thousands of awesome gift items and it is there that I also feature an awesome package for the newly divorced woman, because I am sick and tired of seeing women get attacked, robbed, or mistreated! It is the Divorced Women’s Ultimate Safety Kit!

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So, Good Luckto you as you now enter anew chapterin theBookofYour Life!It should be a very exciting time for you and don’t worry about anything, as you will be fine…Keep Smiling…andMany Blessings!