Divorce - Change to the Favor

Divorce, change to the favor

how many signs needs a person in an attempt change his life?

Saying of the artist miki hirsh with opening of the hibition of the photographs that is second his
In the course every our lives we flow more or less inside norms of life that are acceptable, but/auditorium of the most essential details in our lives they do not receive in general you are the advisable attention. That as you know/but we were not arrive where that we arrived and then arise one day in general late to the extreme and think, did I was not awake, I was young, the Children were important, disagreeable from the parents etc... I was born to the exploitative parents of holocaust , I went to the school and further I ended studious manages and business. actually I did what the company expects from each one of us, to subsist respectfully. I worked every lives by the jobs quite precociousness. I arrived more or less to the half of lives and then arrive the moment is considerable of us meet nowadays – the deportations. when institution of my marriage waned, was seized in all those who listened me or smiled to me, these there were in general my Rule of the family members and the friends that not they referred me decapitates, and also people that enjoy to hear the narrow of other. The first thing that I did used to/would to blow a peg more deep in the work. all the energetic the a few that remained me my investment in the work, waits for the morning that will arrive and leave the work most possible late. bleisure time, because there is suddenly abundantly, you should prove shcohh in your Haunches and start infinite meetings... actually a series of soap opera that known storm in advance... Light one day found myself in the steep decrease of life and the fast solution of search for tranquility and composure does not seem in the horizon. I sat with myself and said : Hi, what happens a here?? Very quickly I understood that nothing good does not happen just! In the residue of my forcess said to myself : You to the mirror! He does not lie! Manage with yourself genuine conversation that as you know/but you don't have what to be embarrassed from yourself. In the naked full my position opposite the mirror and managed a dialogue specifies without pity with that name. I took out everything! I cursed, prgnti and even I fazed myself... After several days in them I returned on her action I arrived to the situation that I vomited my soul. and I understood that I am the biggest enemy of myself. After a few more days of controversy are hard in particular with myself I understood ptaomogiliti that with the work ohstotsim the infinite I do not happy. That actually everything that I did did not lead me to the any place and instead of finding the happiness I do enjoy satisfactions that come and go. And then decisive that I will elevate on the correspondent ten wishes ( cashrt the commandments ) shihw you spinal cord to the continuation of lives and lead me to the expected happiness, but/auditorium in the proportion. In the first stage said to myself : What the problem to write ten commandments that will summarise the happiness?! But this became clear as task not in the slightest simple... to the take me in my opinion as three weeks to formulate them. Since then, for a period long and every day, in the jealous inertia, read the same ten of the wishes . lastly collapsed the sheet and him inside book is very I loved. Number of months later cognitive my woman to the future, charming woman. woman because there is in her a truth, honesty and a great deal of giving. woman that it's possible to manage with her conversation for brings that in the world without from celestial forces. sometimes we were Remaining in the sixth, sabbath in the bed and speak the for and we felt that we fill in the crowd of insights that our procurement of anybody in the course his life, without wranglings. simple the our attentiveness is one to the two in the crowd of patience and curiosity. We understood that there will be nice to contribute to the together ours in the varied lectures in the different subjects like : From parallelism, values, relations that between him to the wisdom, on the gaps that between the man to the woman, how to deal with the Children of the other... Suddenly the workplace was not the most important, he started to oppress on me but even so gave an economic security. smooth structural familial was happy on my new duality that as you know/but from exit of woman from exit of good but life Apparently not very simple and when two from a three of my girlss understood because I have interest in the new duality, they referred me decapitate to the point of dissociation every contact with me. do was not ordered to the wedding of girls of and the continuation apparently was asked from to him... Does was not ordered also to the pact of my grandson. the dissociation from them lead me to the hopelessness is not little and together with that oppressed that I sensed in the work, felt that I am measured In the company as the person that his condition understood, personal bad, as one that estimation to him she is not as her stopover. found myself again in the situation at all is not simple and I decided to be very alert for all sign given me... In one of the Arabs opposite screen of the television I remebered because I have cameras, one of bar, the authoritative mine and one that acquired in an attempt to photograph my girlss in the course of their growth. On day hmhrt took a day of vacation from the work is initial to revolve in the nature that around to the domestic during long hours when the cameras in my directory. felt wonderful! The nature simply filled lives, felt that my private pail fill. photographed a number of pictures and showed them to my woman. her immediate reaction was wow! received a present from GOD All night I didn't sleep! Her reaction was has a formidable power for me. felt a happiness like that not felt since! In the joint decision left place of my work and so was evacuated me a long time to the paired girl and to the personal lives. my strictness that nothing will not be on account the other. My pictures won to the amazing success and in the first year demonstrated the exhibition that calls a romanticism in the Israeli beauty in ten galleries are different throughout HaaretOn these days really, exit ldrca my second exhibition of contact of silk .
The important thing me to tell in all this personal story he that if we are cities to the cursors that escorts us, appertain to them in earnest finished and valiantly great decide that this is the moment to do an essential change, this is the stage that by right of him We can return and to cost, also if rise on the way not in the slightest simple... but when arrive at the new heights in the track of life and watch around we can tell that the effort was worth...
Way agbbmhlh five of the years that are last coexisted four wishes from within enriched and I on the way to Peak.

Miki hirsh
