Thank your Divorce Lawyers in Rhyme!

A Divorce Poem Example

Dear Joann and John,

John and Joann, I thank you,
From the bottom of my heart.
The wondrous work you did
Gives me a brand new start.

You said up front it might
Take about a year.
On this you were quite firm,
And utterly, totally clear.

But my case came in much quicker,
From beginning on to last.
Thankfully it's over,
All now lies in the past.

Not that it was easy,
With Allen, there are challenges and more.
At first, he's just inept,
Then infuriating galore.

And just to throw you off,
To play on your most dismal fears,
Is the utterly notorious,
Herself: Ms. Helene Shemir.

And then the perfect storm,
Complication number three?
That's my darling mom,
Who means well, but you see…

With this cast of characters,
I'd be hitting my head against a wall,man
If not for all the noble efforts
Of you two, John and Joann.

All your legal support,
Your knowledge and know-how,
Without it, I can say,
I'd have truly had a cow.

But there's more you see,
Your emotional support as well.
I tell you, you two clearly,
Are, in a word, well…swell.

Even when it was over,
Joann called me the next day,
Just to say "How are you?"
To make sure I was OK.

Then the day after that,
John's letter came in the mail,
Saying it's all official,
It's over – without fail!

So, once again, I must
Thank you both for sure.
My sincerest appreciation
Is heartfelt, from the core.

With all my thanks again,
You're the best I ever saw.
And I say you're gosh darn wonderful,
There oughta be a law.

With all my jurisprudence,
And the utmost of simple tact.
I say again you're both the best,
And that is just a fact.

You held my hand and helped me,
And now I'm free, all set.
Your hard work and all your kindness?
Truly I'll never forget.

Thank you, thank you!!!

Abby Cohen
