Can a Divorced Person Benefit from Marriage Counseling?

Many couples go through marriage counseling prior to getting married.  Either it was a requirement before they could get married or they were seeking clarity on some aspects of their relationship and wanted guidance.  Of course, marriage counseling is often sought when a married couple is going through some ups and downs or it may be a mandatory step before a couple is granted a divorce.

Marriage counseling can also be used as a tool in divorce recovery and personal growth.  If it is your desire to be married again one day, there's nothing wrong with preparing yourself for your potential spouse.

What Did You Get Out of Being Married?

Not only will you be able to discuss what went wrong in your marriage, but you will also be able to talk about what you liked about being married.  If you were to get married again, what type of person do you want to spend your life with?  Why did you marry your former spouse and what were his or her best qualities?

Perhaps there are certain things that you know you don't want to experience in a relationship such as being married to someone who is a workaholic or has to take numerous business trips during the month. You get to talk about what you would do differently and how, if given the chance.  If you realize that you want someone who is more affectionate, than you can focus on finding that kind of relationship as well.

You're Considering Marrying Again

You want to be married again and you don't want to make the same mistakes as in your last relationship.  A marriage counselor can help you address your issues and help you determine if you're emotionally ready and healthy enough to get married.  Is it marriage that you want or just companionship?  You need to be sure you understand what you really want before getting someone involved and expecting a long lasting relationship only to cause them pain because you really don't want to be in a marriage again.

You're Getting Remarried

You've gotten back into dating after divorce and now you've met that special someone that you are engaged to marry.  You want to be married again and you want this relationship to last for as long as possible.  While you can't guarantee the outcome of any relationship, it can be a wise decision for you and your potential spouse to attend marriage counseling together.

You will get to talk about your expectations from marriage and hear your partner voice theirs as well.  You want to make sure that you're both on the same page and that you both have a healthy outlook on the relationship.  If there are any issues that you want to resolve or have concerns that need to be addressed, you should feel comfortable discussing them in marriage counseling.

You will undoubtedly get the clarity you need before getting married to know if it is the right thing to do or if you need to wait a while longer.  You owe it to yourself and to your potential spouse to give your marriage a fighting chance. Marriage counseling can help your relationship before and during your next marriage.