Sinusitis Herbal Remedies

The use of herbals and natural substances for sinusitis can be very effective against sinusitis. Most sinusitis herbals used as remedies do not possess any of the disadvantages that come with antibiotics and decongestants that may have side effects. Some people are allergic to specific chemicals and often times penicillin. Herbal remedies are simple to use. One can take them in the form of a capsule or make an extract by dissolving in warm water. Sinusitis herbal remedies are a clean way of treating sinusitis and could be as simple as inhaling their vapors or drinking an herbal tea and the effects begin within minutes when the mucus starts flowing and one can blow the nose to lose the stuffiness.

Licorice, also known as glycyrrhiza glabra, contains adrenal stimulating content that inhibits inflammation inside the nasal passage. Licorice also increases the life-duration of cortisol, a hormone that works against inflammation. However one must consult the doctor before using licorice extract or taking the capsules as it can cause loss of potassium and have side effects due to conflicts with other medications taken for the heart.

Nettle, which can be consumed as herbal tea, in the form of capsule weighing 250-400 mg, or as an extract my mixing 1 teaspoon in 1 cup of water, is very effective against allergic sinusitis caused by mold, pollen or fungus. Nettle also provides the body with vitamins. Vitamin C and is essential to prevent infection and also reduce the duration for which bacterial or viral infection is affective.

Another very effective herbal remedy includes using pau d'arco a South African herb. 2 drops or 250 mg of this herb mixed with ¼ teaspoon of eucalyptus, 2 tea tree oil drops and ½ a clove along with garlic can be used as an effective herbal remedy. When this extract is mixed in 2 cups of steaming water and inhaled for 2-3 minutes, the mucus starts loosening making it very easy to clean the nose and free it of nasal blockage. There are other essential oils like thyme, lavender or rosemary that can be mixed in the above extracts. These aromatic oils have got anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which provide instant relief for the mucus linings. The essential oils like eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil can also be rubbed on ear lobes or above the eyebrows, so they seep into the sinus and fight any infection that is breeding inside the cavities.

Alliums, such as garlic and onion are also effective. Hot vapors of water containing garlic and onion help one to get instant relief from congestion and stuffiness. Peppermint when inhaled as vapors or consumed in the form of tea can be very refreshing. It loosens the mucus inside the nasal passage and helps it move more freely.

The infections caused by bacteria and other pathogens often cause mucus lining swelling which can be really painful. This swelling and inflammation is soothed by the essential oil vapors reducing the pain even as the anti-septic properties of these oils cure the infection. Grapefruit added to hot water when administered through neti pots or even lemon balm is equally effective.

Sinusitis herbs and natural remedies are cheap, safe and most importantly soothing to the nasal passages. Sometimes when the airways are clogged, even the most simple  of remedies may be warm vapors to penetrate through the mucus and reach the sinus cavities to free it of any infection. In all, natural remedies for such painful ailments have found to be extremely helpful, inexpensive.