Read This - Will Marriage Counseling Work With An Unfaithful Wife?

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According to the American Psychological Association out of 25000 adults surveyed 75% said that money was the #1 source of stress in their lives. And financial stress is the # 1 reason that couples divorce. With the economic future unstable many couples are feeling the stress already. Here are a few steps that may help keep your stress at bay and your marriage in tact.

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Either you or your spouse has had an affair. Too many times affairs totally destroy marriages. Not because of the affair itself but because couples don't know how to go about correcting the situation in order to save the marriage. Learning how to stop a divorce after an affair isn't easy but it CAN be done!

If you think you are in an ending marriage and you want to save your marriage; today I have one good and one bad news for you. The good news is that the fate of your marriage is entirely in your hands - you can stop your divorce if you do the right things.

Life is rarely perfect and there are always struggles and adversity to overcome which can place a massive amount of stress on a marriage. How to keep a happy marriage despite these things can seem like a difficult task for any couple but the rewards of reducing conflict and promoting love and happiness actually makes overcoming hardship easier and will reduce difficulties in an almost karmic way.

Problems in marriage can arise for a ton of different things. A good friend of mine the other day was venting on the phone and said 'my wife blames me for everything'. Thinking he was just being sarcastic and sort of joking I joked back 'of course that's what wives do that's her job'. But he was serious! He said no Jay my wife really blames me for every little thing. Find out what I told him...

There are some marriage help books over the Internet and in stores. But do they really help in fixing your marriage problems like they promise? I can answer this question based on my experiences. When a marriage is ending the side who doesn't want a divorce gets desperate to save the marriage. Like me. I sat home all day long trying to think of some way to prevent a divorce. I was really desperate to save my marriage and I felt that I had to act. But I wasn't really able come up with good solutions to my marriage problems - all I could think of was to beg my spouse for forgiveness. And that didn't help.

You may find yourself asking 'Does marriage counseling work?' when your marriage is in crisis. While it does not work for all couples it does work for some. This article was written to help you to find out if counseling will work for you.