Divine Timing

In early December, I went up to Vancouver for the weekend for an all day meditation event.  While I was gone, I left our dog, Inji, with our neighbors, who love her very much.  On the second night that I was gone, our neighbor took her for a walk in the rain at 10 pm.  It was raining and the hill by our home was slick. Our neighbor slipped a little which startled Inji.  She jerked the leash and her collar popped open and away she ran.  It was strange that the collar failed and stranger still that she ran away from our neighbor, who she loves, and into the rain, which she hates.

Our neighbor looked for her in the rain for most of the night.  He woke very early the next day and resumed his search.  Finally, around 1pm, he saw her walking with a woman and her dog.  As it turns out, Inji ran straight over to her home, two and a half blocks away, scratched on the door and when they opened the door, she went right in, found the dog bed and made herself comfortable.

Neither Inji not I had ever been to this person's home.  We had a casual acquaintance with her son because he plays outside with the other neighborhood kids who we talk to on our walks.  Until today, I had no idea why she ran to their home.  It seemed crazy to me.

I had grand ideas of sending flowers or games for the son or something as a thank you.  None of it seemed quite right.  We went away for the holidays and then more trips for weddings and other outings, so the thank you gift was delayed longer that I wanted it to be.

One day, I thought, "Enough, you have great things at home that could be of use."  BOOKS! And I had some toys from India that I could send over, too.  I scanned my bookshelf and one practically popped off of the shelf, https:// ?tag=artofrela-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=157731400X&adid=1ZR4KDN6XK6FM2FY8KPF&" "Stillness Speaks" by Eckhart Tolle .  I gathered the seemingly imperfect gifts and put them in a holiday gift bag.  At this time, it was WELL after the holidays, but I wanted to get it done and thought, "Winners take imperfect action!"

I dropped the package off at Inji's rescuer's home when she wasn't there and that was a few weeks ago.  I just ran into her a moment ago and she was so  grateful!  She said that the book came at EXACTLY the right time, when she was suffering and had no peace of mind!  The book has been a great help to her in calming her mind. This is such a great reminder that sometimes divine timing is outside of the schedule or "proper decorum."  I can relax and follow my intuition and allow for what IS instead of what I think it "should" be.