Divorce & Separation - the Basic Facts
Grounds for Divorce
Note that adultery and unreasonable behaviour are the only two grounds that you can get "instant" divorce in England & Wales. Does it matter who initiated the divorce? Yes!. Even though the outcome will be that you will be separated legally, it does matter who initiates the divorce process. The person who is being divorced is normally at a disadvantage. The reason being are:
Some couples do find a way to spilt the legal fee by coming to an agreement on the divorce costs. If both parties do come to an agreement then you are lucky to be in this situation, as this will mean that your ex-partner is willing to look at the matter in a more mature and fair view. Regardless of who divorces who, the good news is that your access rights to your children (if any) should not be effected, unless a petition regarding your parenting skills have been raised against you. Unmarried Couples If a house was brought jointly (either as a beneficial joint tenants or tenants in common) then it will be spilt accordingly in separation and either party will be able to force the sale of the property in order to release their share. If however the parties were contributing unequally either to the purchase price or the maintenance cost of the property then this will need to be reflected as tenants in common holding unequal shares (lets say 60% and 40%) rather then equal shares or beneficial joint tenants. If the property is in the sole name of one party then it remains their property on separation unless it can be proven there was common intention that they would have a share of the property. They could have done this by: Verbal conversation or in writing between the two parties sometime ago
Getting a divorce or going through a separation is not a complex legal procedure but dealing with the emotional stress during and after can be an ordeal and challenging. Two people that loved each other few years back can now hate each other and be spiteful towards each other. That is why a family law solicitor is needed to help you through the process and sort out matters such as access to children, finances, property etc. Citylocal Harrow business directory has a listing of legal firms and solicitors that can help you through the whole process. |