The break up of a marriage is one of the most stressful things that a person can go through.  It is right up there with the death of a loved one and moving home.  While you are under so much stress, it can be difficult to see a way forward, let alone make plans to get back together.  The thing you need to know now is that it is possible to stop your divorce and save your marriage, it is not too late yet.

Over half of marriages these days lead to divorce.  This is a shocking statistic.  Even more shocking is the fact that many of these families went through the pain and stress unnecessarily.  Many marriages could have been saved and many families held together.

Your marriage does not have to be a statistic.  You can stop your divorce.  You can save your marriage.  I will not tell you it is going to be simple or easy, because it won't be.  It is possible though.

Obviously, some relationships do end and the end is final.  Some marriages are unhealthy or abusive and you are best off out of it if this is the case.  In a lot of cases though, a marriage can be saved.

When you first got married, you did not plan to get a divorce later.  There was something between the two of you, which made you happy to commit to this person for hopefully a lifetime.  If that spark is still there, then you can rekindle it back into a flame.

There are four basic steps to save your marriage and get back together.

1.    Find the problem
You cannot save your marriage if you do not know why it is failing.  Finding the root of the problem can be difficult because the reasons cited for divorce are usually the symptoms of the problem, not the problem itself.

2.    Fix the problem
The reason why so many relationship problems are never fixed is because they are never identified.  Now you know the root problem in your marriage you can work on solutions with your spouse.

3.    Focus on the good times
No matter how bad things have become in your marriage, there was a time when you both were happy.  Focus on those times, your goal will be to get back to that point.

4.    Treat your marriage as a new relationship
This step is just as important as the first.  To stop your divorce you need to see your marriage as a brand new relationship.  You need to forgive the bad times and learn all about your spouse all over again.  Accept your partner for who they are now, not the person you wish them to be.  Start dating again, do all the things you would do if you had just met your partner.

These four steps will help you get back together and save your marriage.  You will likely need more help with each step, they are not easy.  There is help out there to help you fix your relationship problems, you need to be willing to find them and use them.