Divorce - Court Room Tips

When it comes to the Court Room, you will find this to be a pretty place.  Once the divorce proceedings begin, the outcome of your divorce is in the hands of a total stranger - the Judge.  You no longer have control. All decisions will now be made by a stranger. Of course this stranger may be having a bad day, not feeling well, or even have had a major fight with their spouse the night before.   I know it's scary and may even seem unfair, but this is the real world and it happens all the time. This judge is now in control of the outcome of your trial.

Here are a few tips to help prepare you for the Court Room experience:

  1. First, I strongly recommend you try to settle as many issues as possible before entering the Court Room.  This means the judge won't be in control of everything.

  2. Do not expect the Judge will always make decisions in your favor. There are three directions the judge can go when making a decision: Your way, your spouse's way, or the Judge's way. As you can see, two out three are not in your favor.

  3. Discuss how you should act, and when to speak with you attorney before going into the courtroom. Do not speak unless asked to do so by the Judge.

  4. When addressing the Judge with respect by addressing him/her as "Your Honor."

  5. Never speak to or make comments to your spouse when you are before the Judge.

  6. Leave all hostile and negative emotions at the door. Do not make faces or gestures when the judge or your spouse's attorney is speaking. Judges see this and do not appreciate it.

  7. Dress for success. Your attorney will have a certain strategy on how he/she wants you to be portrayed. Therefore, consult your attorney on how he/she wants you to dress.

  8. Take notes. Don't leave anything to chance. Your attorney will be very busy during the process and cannot remember or write everything down.

  9. Be prepared and stay organized. Bring as much information, documentation and any pertinent documents that you possibly can with you. It is better to have too much ammunition than not enough.

  10. Be prepared to be in the court house for some time. You will sometimes wait for hours before your case is called.

You can get more divorce tips and strategies at