How To Handle Marital Issues And Save Your Marriage

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After years of being married a lot of couples begin to seek advice for marriage. Usually serious relationship problems come when couples have been together for a number of years. Some even just after a few months! If you are planning to get married or you already are and you are looking for marriage advice allow me to give you some tips that can help you keep a happy marriage.

Discover proven methods to getting your marriage back on track - Even if you are struggling to communicate with your spouse and are the only one who wants to work on it!

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Even though it feels like there's no hope at all you CAN save your marriage today! By reading this you've taken the first critical step already. You are not happy and you need to start to save your marriage today!

If you're close to getting a divorce and you can figure out why marriages fail you might still have a fighting chance of saving your marriage. Understanding why marriages fail is crucial to setting right the things that are wrong in your relationship with your husband or wife. So get critical do you see any of the following five reasons why your marriage is failing?

Many people when they get married have this silly idea that their spouse will cater to their every whim and that they will continually be swept off their feet. But this notion is a misconception and totally false. The Cinderella Prince Charming fairytale doesn't last not in any marriage. But with God at the helm of your marriage it can certainly be a loving and caring union filled with happiness and many blessings.

Saving a marriage can take a lot of hard work and commitment but this process can be even more difficult when only one party is on board. I receive a lot of emails on my blog from people who are trying to save their marriages alone. Typically one spouse will desperately want to rescue the marriage while the other has one foot out of the door or is considering (or has initiated) a divorce.

This can be a nightmare. When your marriage comes to a one sided love affair. When you are no longer on the same level with your significant half when your spouse wants out while you on the other hand is insisting to hold on and make it work. You know in your heart that stopping divorce is the best decision. You know that you can do better and make your marriage work.

Your relationship began with an abundance of fun and excitement. What went wrong? Before beginning counseling there is a decision to be made for a successful relationship. Divorce is not the answer.