My Boyfriend Left Me and I Still Love Him. Actually I Am Desperate to Get Him Back

Suddenly you have become one of the victims and you and your ex have broken up. Of course it did not come as a big surprise because the relationship had been deteriorating for some time, gone stale and almost mechanical. In spite of all that you knew that you loved him all along.In the end it was quite cruel and, thank God, the hostilities did not last that long.

Here you are, alone in the house that, in spite of all the memories and knick-knacks, family pictures and other personal items have taken on a new meaning, one of total despair. From the inside you feel like pulling any picture of your boyfriend out of the house and either throw them in the garbage or, better still, make a bonfire and make them be gone forever and out of your mind. However, you discover that every time you look at or get closer to any one of these images your heart still aches for him and gives you an exciting feeling. You want and need him back.

Fortunately, within one hour of the breakup, your neighbour called and came over immediately. Instead of being in that empty shell of my house we walked over to Burger King to get something to eat and let my emotions go free.You are thankful for the friend and are at ease for the time being.

You have already decided that you want him back and will do anything and everything possible to get him back. Your relationship was up to the breakup cool for most of the time, but you realize that you were not the only couple with problems. You need to make a plan on how to get your boyfriend back in your arms, but it must be done in the right way and especially by showing your affection for him without showing any desperation. Starting again requires that you must resolve and discuss most of the mix-ups you had previously. With love and where there is a will there is a way.