What is Chronic Sinusitis?

What is Chronic Sinusitis ?  Chronic sinusitis is defined by an infection of the sinuses that lasts longer than 8 weeks.  The paranasal sinuses become inflamed and irritated, and may be the result of a cold or infection.  Other causes of chronic sinusitis are allergies or autoimmune deficiencies.

As the passages of the nasal become infected, they begin to swell and create a problem when mucous tries to properly drain.  It becomes difficult to breathe, and headaches, a sore throat, earaches, or exhaustion may occur.  Other symptoms include a postnasal drip or mucous draining in the throat.

The face may sometimes swell with a buildup of fluids, and if nasal sinuses cannot fully drain, polyps may develop.  This is when a yellowish/greenish mucous is emitted.  If a person has a deviated septum, he/she will often be more susceptible to chronic sinusitis.

High potential factors to chronic sinusitis are a weakened immune system, as well as those that suffer heavily from hay fever.  Another high risk factor is those with respiratory tract infections.

Chronic sinusitis can expand into meningitis, if it is not treated properly.  There have been cases that blindness and blood clots have been a result.  These can occur if not evaluated quickly by a doctor.

What is the treatment?  A doctor will conduct a complete exam to properly diagnose the case.  Test may include a mucous culture, nasal endoscopy, a CT scan, a visual inspection, or an MRI.  The visual inspection will take a close look at any redness or swelling that may be occurring.  A nasal endoscopy is a camera that is connected to a tiny tube and inserted into the nasal passage.  This assesses the level of swelling and direct source of infection.  If the case is more extreme, then an MRI or CT scan may be ordered.  These will be recommended if the swelling makes the nasal endoscope procedure too difficult.

After the infection has been diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate remedy.  Nasal sprays are the lease invasive and target the area directly.  Chronic sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection may be prescribed and antibiotic.   A remedy with a high success rate is the prescription of a corticosteroid.  If the diagnosis is one of an extreme, then surgery will be recommended to remove the polyps or fix the deviated septum.

Brief summary:  In chronic sinusitis, sinuses are often inflamed or swollen for a two month time frame.  The common symptoms are issues with breathing, a sore throat, swollen sinuses, postnasal drip, and mucous discharge through coughing.  Triggers for chronic sinusitis are a weak immune system, hay fever, or a respiratory tract infection, and treatments include nasal spray, antibiotics, or corticosteroids.  In serious cases, surgery may take place.