How to Win Child Custody

Divorces are happening more and more in today’s society.  This is a terrible situation to be in.  The involvement of children in this scenario is even more heart-wrenching.  As much as you and your ex are feeling hurt, angry and upset – the child or children in the middle of this often feel worse.  Please, as you read on, keep the best interest of your child or children uppermost in your mind.

Firstly, focus on your child.  Remember to reassure your child that they are loved by both parents and that nothing will ever change this.  Explain to your child that nothing in this situation is their fault.  With everything else going on, it’s very easy to become self-focused and lose sight of this.

If you want to win child custody, you must remember that your ex is going to do everything possible to make you look bad; a bad person, a bad parent and a bad employee.  Be prepared for a tough battle.

You need to do everything in your power to demonstrate to the court that you deserve to win child custody.  What this means is, you need to act responsibly and dress appropriately.  Make sure you’re on time, not only for court but also for dropping off and picking up your children.This cannot be stressed enough.  Persistent lateness will cause more animosity between you and your ex; it will also look bad before the judge, severely damaging your chances of gaining custody.   Always turn up to work as scheduled; be seen to be a loving, kind and caring parent; don’t get drunk; don’t have multiple partners.  If you don’t have a job, get one.

Finally, every country and state has different laws in regard to child custody.  A common thread however, is the importance of presentation.  When you appear in court, ensure you wear appropriate clothes: conservative, neat and tidy.  If needed, purchase a new outfit to fit these requirements.  Remember to behave yourself when you’re in court. Keep your cool at all times.  If you lose your temper, the judge will not look favourably towards you.

One mistake can cost you custody of your child.  To avoid this heartbreak, visit my site >> / Here you will find a review of an invaluable resource that will teach you how to win custody of your child.