Child Shared Custody - Important Facts You Should Know

Shared child custody is not for everyone; in fact, court decision on child shared custody is only given by the court based on several circumstances. This arrangement usually involves both parents having shared responsibility on the custody of the child. In other words, both parents should agree to take care of the child for a certain specified time; it could be every month, every two weeks or every week.

Bear in mind that there are many factors that greatly affect the decision of the court to grant child shared custody to both parents. Among these factors are the following;

  • both the father and the mother are very responsible parents
  • both parents are free from any psychological problems like depression
  • and both parents are financially capable of supporting the child among many others.

Absence of any of the aforementioned factors may lead the court not to grant shared child custody to both parents; that is why it is important to keep in mind the aforesaid factors if you are planning to have shared responsibility on the custody of your child.

Examples of instances where child shared custody is not granted; but rather, the custody of the child is designated to one parent over the other are as follows: if either one of the parents is alcoholic and could not properly tend the children, if either the father or the mother has psychological problems like severe depression or panic disorder, and either one of the parents could not sufficiently support the child emotionally or financially.

Hence, if you are harbouring some thoughts on being given the shared child custody decision by the court then you should keep yourself well informed on this matter. Bear in mind that the above discussions may not apply in your case because every State has different laws on child shared custody.