How To Avoid Divorce-3 Powerful Strategies to Save Your Marriage!

The situation would appear to be completely unavoidable.  For weeks now the end of your marriage is looming closer and there seems to be no way that you can change your spouse's mind.  He or she wants that divorce but you don't and there seems to be no way that you can avoid divorce.  You are confused, lonely and scared.   The good news is that your situation is not unique (you know that very well) and it is certainly not hopeless.  By reading this article you will discover 3 powerful strategies for how to avoid divorce and save your marriage:

Go Along With What they Want

When one person wants something that the other does not, there is a clash of wills.  If you try to persuade your spouse that you've changed, not to go ahead with the ending of your marriage, you are supporting their negativism and they will dig their heals in further.  Stop complaining, stop winging, stop pressuring and stop needing. Instead, agree with the fact that a divorce is necessary and that they are right.  One of the reasons that they want to pull away from you is that you are always disagreeing with them.  Who want s to pull away from someone who agrees with them?

Act Happy

Act as if you are perfectly happy about the current situation.  You have told your spouse that they are right to want to be divorced from you, now go and enjoy your freedom and give the relationship some space.  If you are separated don't call all the time to try to convince your partner to stay with you or that you will love them.  This is the worst thing you can do.  Keep conversation light and happy and focus on helpful practicalities such as what time to pick up the kids.  Make communication light and happy.  Serious talk  can hurt a relationship.

Stop working At the Relationship

The solution that most marriage counsellors have for how to avoid divorce, is to work at what is going wrong in your marriage and to try to improve it.  However it is working at a relationship that makes it not work!  When you criticize, complain, argue explain what‘s not working you are working to improve your mate.  You are disagreeing with them and you can probably see that this just makes everything worse.  Allow and accept 100% what your spouse thinks, feels or does.

If you put your hands up, surrender and focus on the positive aspects in your relationship, your spouse will not have a leg to stand on and will come around to your way of thinking.