Marriage Back, Getting My Marriage Back Properly!

Getting a marriage back from destruction you might say, can be a challenge. There are generally so many negative and mixed feelings, from one or both spouses. Repairing those feelings back to love is hard work! Trust me I know what I am talking about...

It is usually the one who is not reading information on how to get the marriage back together, the spouse who has been hurt the most, and are now in belief that your marriage is just not worth living in...

Do not let that deter you from what you believe Is real for you though, having a separation can be a healthy thing for a marriage if you can put your thoughts and energy into repairing those underlying issues. I am a believer that anybody can get there marriage back if they are prepared to put in the necessary effort in making themselves the better person...

Seriously the first thing that seems to be forgotten in a marriage are the vows we make to each other? It is far to easy to make and create problems, than it is to work hard together to keep the spark alive.

I now wake up each morning and remember what it feels like in my heart, how I was when I was without the love of my life! And now give her a loving hug to start the day.

Your spouse does still loves you! The trick to get them back is remembering the "why" and "how" the two of you fell in love. But the first step to get your"marriage back"is feeling positive about your road ahead...