Getting Back With Your Ex - the Secret Clue Your Ex is Still Interested in You

span style="background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: "Verdana","sans-serif";" lang="EN-US">There is a hidden sign that maybe your situation is actually very easy to resolve, maybe you're able to return your happiness literally today. This secret sign is...

Keeping contact with you after the breakup.

And please do not the mistake by thinking that ambiguous "let's be friends" is a sign of contact. No-no! It's quite nonaligned, in fact - I mean this phrase by itself, but... While "let's be friends" can truly cause you to panic, the actual sign is the frequency of their contactafter"let's be friends" motto.

Let me explain it - if you hear "let's be friends" and then they don't contact you at all, it basically means that you have to do a lot of "elbow grease" before they finally fall madly in love with you again, but... And here's a kicker...

If they keep contacting you by phone, surprise visits, internet messengers and chats, text messages, voice mail, social networks, myspace etc., it means somethingso goodfor us!

One significant thing here is that theydon’tcontact you "for business" - e.g. children, pets, property that you share etc., it doesn't count as contact. By "contact" I meanpersonalinterest, conversations and curiosity, personal friendship and affinity between you.

If so, there are a couple reasons why they do that (talk with you abundantly):

1. They fear losing your friendship.

2. They are keeping you as a "emergency backup" relationship (in case their current relationship breaks up or if they can't meet anybody more interesting than you).

These are usual. Your ex may be still contacting you, giving you positive "bribes" for acting, but when you actually try to act on their signs, they suddenly become angry and distant and assure you that theydo notwant relationships with you.

But, if it happens so, there still is the light at the end of a tunnel for you, this situation apparently has a bright side!

Firstly, it means that you still have their interest i.e. theystill careabout you.

Secondly, you have much less work to do to get them back into your arms (actuallymuch,muchless effort is required to correct this type of situation).

Just act on it - and you can be sure that very soon you'll watch "Lost" on Thursday nights together... Again. I hope this tactic helps you out.

Chin up, you are on your way!