Think about Children after Divorce of their Parents

Today divorce has become a way of life. Couples opt for divorce on small issues, completely unaware of its repercussions on their children. It was found that more than 15 million children in US experienced the trauma of divorce of their parents.

Children experiencing divorce of their parents undergo a lot of stress. There can be tremendous psychological effects ranging from depression to extreme anger. It is hard to imagine a more difficult phase in a child's life.

There have been research and studies done by sociologist and psychologist on the effect of divorce on children. The effect of divorce on the children depends on the age of the child at the time of divorce. It also depends on the gender and personality of the child.

Some of the common effects of divorce on the children are

  • Infants may lose their appetite or suffer from bad stomach due to the conflicts between their parents.
  • Preschooler may become disobedient and violent because they frequently believe that they are the reason behind the divorce
  • School going children are grown up enough to understand their pain because of the divorce of their parents . However, they are unable to manage their reactions and suffer from grief, humiliation, bitterness, anger etc.
  • Teenagers are more severely affected by the separation of their parents. They suffer from extreme anger, fear, loneliness, depression, guilt etc. They loose their innocence if pushed to take responsibility of many new things. Teens are grown enough to understand the cause of the separation. The whole incident can have negative impact on the teen's life and they may even doubt their own ability to stay in marriage.

Whatever differences the parents are having should not affect the child's life. If at all parents decide to separate they should help the children to adjust with the situation. You should share the truth and try to win the trust of the child which will help you in strengthening your relationship.