Can I Save My Marriage?

teen relationship breakup advice or marriage and family counseling degrees plus topics on help for husband during divorce

Are you concerned your marriage is on the path of self-destruction? Get your head out of the sand and put some action in place for saving your marriage.

Discover proven methods to getting your marriage back on track - Even if you are struggling to communicate with your spouse and are the only one who wants to work on it!

Put an end to the stress and anxiety of not knowing what to do to save your troubled marriage >> Click here now >>

Does the book by Homer McDonald really work? Can it stop you would have all? Help fix your marriage? Discover the truth here.

Infidelity is one of the major things that can tear apart a marriage. Affairs outside of marriage are a betrayal of everything that marriage is meant to be about. A marriage is meant to be a joining of two lives you and your husband bound together for life and tearing that bond apart is one of the most demanding things in your life to overcome.

It is devastating for any woman to have her husband tell her that he doesn't love her anymore. Women need to be loved and cherished and appreciated. It feels like the ultimate betrayal! And what caused his feelings to change? Was it something you did wrong?

One of the most distressing observations I have made among my social work colleagues is the overwhelming proclivity on the part of many of us so-called helpers to lack understanding and sensitivity to the position helpees are in when they agree to accept intervention. Many of us take 'professionalism' out of context and become more of a burden to families than a helping resource. All to often we believe we are 'experts' (a term used rather loosely these days) and therefore know more about what is best for those we are attempting to help which as far as I...

The five signs of relationship problems provided here are meant to help those experiencing troubles to identify the source of their problems so that they can take action.

Would you consider your marriage successful? I've discovered that there are some characteristics that are vital to a well-functioning marriage. I've also come to recognize that it's not the failure to perfect these characteristics that undermines a marriage but it's the failure to at least commit to their importance and to continue to work toward them that can lead to a relationship's downfall.