Why do men leave their wives?

I know many women who have suffered from the heartbreak of a relationship gone sour. It goes without saying that these situations are never easy and most women would do anything to avoid a breakup. The reasons why men leave their wives are many and each situation and relationship is unique but there are some facts to keep in mind so that this situation can be avoided in the future.

Even though many people believe that men and women are entirely different creatures the reality is that this is simply not the case. Most men want what women want out of a relationship and that is to be loved, admired and respected.

Many men want to feel like they are meeting the needs of their woman. They want to feel like they are the center of their wives lives and that there is a high level of appreciation there. Women need to learn to show these feelings to their man so he can feel admired.

If the husband does not feel like he is being appreciated then he may stray and try to find someone else who can fulfill this need. IF the man does not feel accepted for who he is then emotionally he will feel abandoned and try to seek out a better relationship.

The biggest misconception there is that the man only will cheat on a woman who is more attractive then his current wife. While this may be true to a point it is most likely only long after his other needs were not met before he started to stray.

Most men do not know how to deal with their feelings or how to talk to their wives about them without feeling like they are not man enough to deal with the situation. Since men do not know how to deal with the situation they will just try to get these feelings to stop any way they can. For many men this may result in cheating on their wives, but this is a worst case scenario for many men.

One of the best ways to keep a man happy then is to just remember that any man wants to feel like he is your Prince Charming. Let him feel as though he can take care of you and that you appreciate his thoughtfulness. Of course be sure to communicate your own needs to him as well. After all any relationship is a two way street and both partners should be considered for any healthy relationship to thrive.