Saving A Marriage After Infidelity - If You Can Do Laundry You Can Save Your Marriage

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Are you looking for tips to save a marriage because you're feeling dead inside? A lot of people get to that point when they can't remember the last time they felt happy in their marriage. I was in the same boat actually. I got to a point when I was having such a troubled marriage that my self esteem was down the tubes and basically I began feeling numb and stuck. The advice I got and followed changed my life forever...

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Every expert says they have the answer to saving your marriage just look at all the books out there on the subject and yet the divorce rate has not lessened at all. This is not to say that all the advice is junk some of it is very good. However all the good advice in the world cannot help if you do not realize that your approach to your marriage is just as important as the tips you receive.

Interestingly I often get emails from both the spouses who cheated and the spouses who was cheated on. Both often want to know the same thing. They want to know 'how to make a marriage work in the after math of cheating.' There are important roles and tasks for both the spouses and these are often thwarted by fear doubt anger and hurt. Both people often want to do the right thing but the high emotions present often cloud what this really is. In the following article I'll outline things that both spouses can do to help make the marriage work after cheating has compromised it.

It is not surprising that many couples need help in their marriage. It is estimated that a staggering 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. The sad part is the fact that the divorce rate gets even higher for second and third marriages.

On a monthly basis there are about more than a thousand people who look for solutions in the internet to help them save their marriages. This obviously means that there are in fact tons of people needing marriage help.

There is a great contrast between love and lust. Lust is more of a sexual or greedy feeling while love is more of a secure and content filled feeling we get from giving and receiving. Lust does not have to be something sexual it can be a greedy desire for more money and power etc. But for this article I am using it in its sexual context.

You have been in love with your spouse and you thought that they were in love with you. That is until you have discovered that your husband or wife that you have cherished and loved put their needs before yours had children with them and adored for many years has cheated on you. Working out a plan on how to save marriage can be difficult after that.